We believe a tailor-made and individualised approach for whitening is best. Our bespoke treatments range from customised home bleaching solutions to use of powerful LED lights during In-Chair Treatments. Our amazing Ellenbrook dentists will recommend which approach is best for you, depending on your desired outcome and status of the existing teeth.
In-Chair Professional Teeth Whitening by PolaOffice Plus
The procedure takes around 1 hour, however allow 75 minutes of time.
- Step 1
Pre-whitening photos – It’s phenomenal to see the amazing transformation that is about to take place!
- Step 2
Retraction – We place retractors in place to move delicate lips and cheeks out the way.
- Step 3
Gum Isolation – We cover the gums with a desensitising gel to protect and soothe them through the process
- Step 4
Bleach and Light – A carefully curated bleach gel is applied to the tooth surface and activated by LED light that allows us to safely use 38% hydrogen peroxide.
- Step 5
Netflix and Cycle – 3-4 cycles are completed whilst your watch your favourite show on Netflix or chill to some relaxing music.
- Step 6
Post-whitening photos – This is what you’ve been waiting for! The amazing reveal and immediate glow of your pearly whites 7-10 shades whiter.
Take-Home Professional Teeth Whitening Kit by PolaDay
Our state of the art 3D Scanner accurately records your mouth dimensions. No more gagging teeth moulds!
Our professional bleaching kits supersede the off-the-shelf products in terms of quality, concentration and safety. A bespoke and individualised approach to teeth whitening treatment that works!
- Step 1
An Intra-oral scan for precision bleaching trays to be made is taken
- Step 2
3D Scan is 3D printed with customised bleaching trays made to the exact specifications needed
- Step 3
Collect your trays and professional bleaching kits within a few days and follow our personalised instructions