Child Dental Benefits Schedule

As a parent, it’s understandable that keeping your child as healthy as
possible is one of your top priorities.

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What is
Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)?

Ellen Stirling Dental takes care of your children’s oral health requirements and accepts payments from the Child Dental Benefits Schedule in part or in full. This will offer your child up to $1,000 in payments that can be used for various dental services over the course of two calendar years.

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule, or CDBS, is a Medicare program that covers various dental procedures, such as examinations, routine cleaning, fillings, and root canal treatments, for children aged 2–17 years of age. If you qualify for specific payments, Medicare may cover some dental services for children in part or in full. Orthodontic and aesthetic dental treatments, as well as hospital care, are not covered.

Treatments Covered by

To ensure that CDBS beneficiaries receive the best healthcare, the government has developed itemised codes. These treatments include the following basic dental services:

The maximum benefit is $1,000 per child per year, based on eligibility. The benefit is capped at $1000 over two years. Treatments for orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, and hospital care are not covered.
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Book An Appointment Now To Find Out If Your Child Is Eligible

Want to know if you still have a balance? Speak to our team today and we can check if your child is eligible for a bulk bill dental check-up.

Child Eligibility for Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Each calendar year, the Australian government determines a child’s eligibility; you will receive a letter from Medicare if your child is eligible. These benefits are available to children who meet all requirements and are eligible for Medicare, are 2-17 years old on at least one day of the calendar year, and are receiving or are members of a family receiving one of the government payments below:
  • Family Tax Benefit A
  • Parenting Payment
  • Double Orphan Pension
  • Carer Payment
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Special Benefit
  • Youth Allowance
  • Veterans’ Children Education Scheme (VCES)
  • Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme