Dentist in Ellenbrook

The smile on your face speaks volumes about you. You should not hold back or hide your smile during times of joy, as it reflects your level of comfort. When you laugh, you show the world you are satisfied, so there’s no reason to hide your smile.

What is
Cosmetic Dentistry?

You can’t be yourself when you are self-conscious about your smile.
The number one reason people see a cosmetic dentist is because they feel self-conscious about their teeth or gums when smiling, laughing, eating, and talking.
If this sounds like you, there are many things that we can do to help! Cosmetic dentistry, also referred to as aesthetic dentistry, refers to any dental procedure that improves the appearance of teeth or smiles. But cosmetic dentistry is more than just professional teeth whitening or a smile makeover; it’s also about addressing any issues that hold you back from being comfortable in every situation. We want our patients to be confident in their smiles so they can always show them off with pride!

Our Services Under
Cosmetic Dentistry

Let us help you smile with confidence! We provide many affordable solutions
for improving the issues with your smile that you don’t like:

Teeth Whitening

We customize whitening methods for each patient at Ellen Stirling Dental to ensure the treatments are effective while preserving the natural health of your teeth. We offer a broad range of teeth whitening packages designed to fit your lifestyle.


If you're unhappy with the way your teeth look because they're discoloured, chipped, or misaligned, dental veneers could help. The tooth-coloured shells adhere to your teeth, changing their length, size, colour, and form, as well as improving their function.

Dental Crowns

Our dental crowns are made with the highest quality materials at our dental lab allowing us to maintain an ideal level of quality control throughout your treatment.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are the perfect restoration treatment option for filling gaps of one or two teeth between two healthy teeth. They are dental prostheses that imitate the form, function, and appearance of natural teeth.

Smile Makeover

Do you wish your smile looked better? A complete smile makeover may be the solution! Our dental staff can create a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. Our friendly team of professional dentists is here to help you achieve your dream smile, whether you have stained teeth or damaged teeth.

Why Choose
Ellen Stirling Dental
For Your Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Do you feel self-conscious about your smile?
We understand that it can be hard to speak and laugh with confidence when you don’t love the way your teeth look. The field of cosmetic dentistry offers numerous options for anyone who wants to improve their smile. If you have any concerns about how your teeth look, we would love to help!

At Ellen Stirling Dental, we offer many affordable cosmetic dentistry options. Our dental team will be there every step of the way, ensuring that you achieve the results you want. You deserve a beautiful smile. Let us give it to you!

Book a consultation appointment online today!
why choose ellen stirling dental


Suitability for cosmetic dentistry treatments depends on your individual needs and situation. Our experienced dentists are experts in determining which treatment is best for you and assisting you in achieving your goals. We’ll be able to assess your unique situation and establish whether or not you’re a good candidate for cosmetic dentistry treatment. In general, the ideal candidates for cosmetic dentistry treatment are those who:

  • Are in good oral health
  • Are physically healthy
  • Want to improve their appearance
  • Are realistic about their expectations
  • Understand what the cosmetic procedure will accomplish

The alternative to cosmetic dentistry procedures is not getting one, since cosmetic dentistry is primarily for aesthetic purposes.

There are various cosmetic dental treatment options available, each of which can address various aesthetic issues and help you improve your natural smile. Composite resin, for example, is the closest equivalent to porcelain veneers. Composite resin is a tooth-coloured filler material that can address the same aesthetic problems that dental veneers can. Dental bonding, like dental veneers, can help restore the appearance of chipped teeth or misshaped teeth for a less permanent treatment.

Like any other dental procedure, cosmetic dentistry can result in side effects such as swelling, weariness, and discomfort. These are common side effects of any dental operation involving anaesthetics for an extended period. Temporary tooth sensitivity is also a possibility.

The cost of cosmetic dentistry varies substantially based on the sort of work you want to be done. There are several cosmetic treatments to choose from, each with its own price tag. We provide a variety of affordable choices for improving the aspects of your smile that you don’t like. Visit our Ellenbrook dental office today to discuss your smile.

Cosmetic dentistry is about more than just developing a perfect smile. It’s about regaining your confidence as a result of your improved self-esteem. A healthy smile gives you the ability to look younger, eat better, and live better, so you look, feel, and perform better socially, professionally, and personally.
Professional teeth whitening may not be a permanent solution, but it can last up to 3 years. To keep your whiter, brighter smile, we recommend in-office teeth whitening every 2–3 years.
Cosmetic dentistry operations such as in-chair teeth whitening, porcelain crowns, and dental veneers, among others, may be covered by third-party payment schemes such as Afterpay, Zip Pay, and Openpay.
Some insurance companies may consider tooth whitening or veneers to be optional and hence refuse to cover them. Some cosmetic dentistry procedures, however, may be reimbursed by insurance. It will be determined by your unique circumstances, your insurance provider, and the coverage they provide. It’s best to check what your policy covers with your insurance provider.