The following are potential side effects of root canal therapy:
Post-operative pain or discomfort: This is one of the reported side effects of root canal therapy. Patients may experience pain or discomfort in the affected tooth and surrounding area for a few days post-procedure. However, this discomfort is generally manageable with over-the-counter medications.
Temporary tooth sensitivity: The entire tooth might become more sensitive, particularly when biting down. In most cases, this sensation subsides within a few days or weeks.
Inflammation: It’s common for the tissue surrounding the affected tooth to have signs of inflammation. This is a normal part of the body’s healing process.
Numbness: Depending on the type and quantity of anesthetic used during the procedure, patients may experience temporary numbness in the mouth.
Infection: Although the goal of root canal therapy is to remove the infection, in rare cases, a residual infection might occur. Often, this situation could be due to incomplete removal of infected pulp or inadequate sealing of the root canal system.
Dental injury: Root canal procedures require careful manipulation of dental tools within the tooth. Although highly unlikely, this process could potentially result in small fractures or cracks in the tooth structure.
Allergic reaction: Some patients may exhibit an allergic reaction to the materials used in the procedure, such as latex gloves, local anesthetics, or certain types of filling materials.
Treatment failure: Occasionally, despite great efforts, root canal therapy may not be effective in saving the adult tooth. Possible causes could be due to a variety of factors, including severe infection, weak tooth structure, or challenges in completely cleaning or filling the canal system.
While these potential side effects might sound daunting, it’s critical to remember that root canal therapy is generally reliable and safe. In case of any concerns or complications during the post-procedure, we highly encourage you to promptly communicate with our dentists in Brabham for further evaluation to restore your healthy smile.